JPMC History

JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s (JPMC) marketing team wanted to design a history page for the company. The page needed to have a simple, clean, and user-friendly style that matched the style on the JPMC website. The JPMC team wanted the new page to help employees, clients, and societies have a better understanding of JPMC’s history and its culture. I was the lead designer for the interface design of this project.

The Challenge

There were forty events that needed to be listed on the historic page. Each event includes a year, a title, a short introduction, and one to three images. Our design started from asking how to put the forty events in a single page with a clean and pleasing design style?

I did some research to see how other banks designed their history page. They all looked standard. So I came up several ideas and discussed with another designer to hear her thoughts.

Hypothesis 1: List all 40 events on one page

Overturned:If we layout all events chronologically on one page, users would feel bored and intimidated by the long and heavy reading. They might not remember anything except the long scrolling.

Hypothesis 2: Combine images and contents with interactions

Overturned:It’s not aligned to JPMC’s website style.

Initial Solution

After several rounds of discussions, I found the horizontal timeline might be a solution. Users scroll the timeline horizontally to read events. In that way, we could save space and hide the long content behind the screen. I mocked up an initial layout and showed it to the team. We all liked the idea.



So I designed the page and our team presented it to the client. After several runs of design feedback, the JPMC team was satisfied with the solution. The page was launched in 2016.


The Impact

Overall, the page had a 25% increase in page views and a 10% increase in mobile usage after the new design was launched.

The page is not live any more because of the JP Morgan Chase recently website redesign.


JPMC Microsite


UI/UX Projects